The big question everyone always wants to know is "How much is it going to cost?"
The good news is there is a wide range of options. You can start off small and build as you budget or customers interest grows or you can create a monster site with lots and lots of detail and information. There is no right or wrong way, rather what suits you and your business at this particular time.

Below are several popular packages for site design. To get your total cost you would need to include the cost of your ISP service (usually a one off joining fee, then so much per month) to host your site and if you wish, the fees for a domain name. We have introductory total cost packages, starting from an amazing $350 for the first twelve months. A commercial internet production company can normally charge $2000 - $2,500 for an equivalent package.

Price List

Price List
This is truly an amazing offer and is only available because we want your business. Typically we can do a comercial site with a domain name, site design and virtual hosting and you would be looking around the $1,500 mark. Try and get some other Design companies to give figures like this or more importantly live up to them.

Web Site Design

Note: this is for HTML documents to the current W3C standard only, including frames or tables. It does not include specialised or unique Java programs, Javascript or CGI scripts. These are available at consultancy rates.

Basic Package
  • 1 Page
  • with up to 100 words and two (supplied) images.
Intermediate Package
  • Up to 10 Pages
  • with up to 100 words and two (supplied) images per page.
Complete Package
  • Up to 25 Pages
  • with up to 100 words and two (supplied) images per page
  • Up to 25 Pages
  • with up to 50 words and four (supplied) images per page

Web Site Hosting

Hot Rod Internet - Clubs and Non-Profit Organisations 1Mb disk space$30 per annum
Hot Rod Internet - Business Starter pack, 1Mb disk space$90 per annum
Hot Rod Internet - Commercial site, with domain name 5Mb disk space$150 per annum
Cyber Host - 25Mb disk space + a once off $99 setup fee$275 per annum

Domain Names

Domain Name application - Australian$175AU
Domain Name application - US$75US + $50AU

Site Maintenance

Commercial full site maintenance (updates) per month from$100
Commercial individual page update per page from$20

Other Services

Additional pages$25
Extra photographs supplied by customer, scanned and optomised for the internet and placed in a page.$5
Installation of additional page counters, scripts etc. from $10
Third Party Verification of Web Documents$100
Consultancy and Graphic Design, from$35 per hr

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