Domain Names

How much does it cost?
An Australian domain name (.au) costs $125AU for two years and an USA domain name costs $70US for two years.
You can apply directly to the AUNIC's Australian Internet Registry page at http://www.ina.com.au/, you'll need to have your own Internet server and full-time connection, which is a little like building your own car and then trying to have it registered. It can take from a couple of days to a couple of weeks to secure your domain name.

To secure your name, you can still apply and register now and build your site later. For a nominal fee ($99) we can make the appropriate application and register your name on your behalf. (See the form below)

The most practical method is to have either your ISP, web host or us do all the leg work - after all, they'll also be responsible for handling your e-mail and hosting your Web page at that same URL address. Most ISP's and web hosts charge a once-off registration fee for your domain name (although these names are issued free by AUNIC, that cost can represent the ISPs administration and setting up of the domain name on their server). This varies from $200 (OzEmail) to $1000 (World.Net) and should include the automatic forwarding of mail sent to your domain address, such as john@cyclecity.com.au, to your usual mail account with that ISP. We can provide this service for $99. See the form at the bottom of the page.

The fact that mail sent to john@cyclecity.com.au is redirected to jsmith@supernet.com.au is totally transparent to most e-mail software. This maintains the illusion that your company is a big-time player with offices in a city skyscraper instead of a one-person home business nestled away in the spare room.

Virtual Hosting If you want your Web page(s) to appear at the same domain address, you'll have to sign up for a `virtual Web server' plan under which an ISP will host your Web site, provide hard disk space for all the files which users can download, and support CGI so your page can include forms (useful for surveys, competitions and other feedback mechanisms). You may also need to pay extra for things like Active Server pages or secure pages. This is likely to cost from $1000-$3000 per year but prices and plans vary widely between ISPs, so it pays to shop around (and don't be afraid to haggle) in order to find the best deal.

We are pleased to offer the hot-rod.com.au virtual web server, which can reduce these cost dramatically. Or we can highly recommend the same company that hosts these pages. Their prices start at what we believe to be amongst the lowest in Australia at $275.

Domain Name - Frequently Asked Questions

Check the availability of your preferred Australian domain name NOW!

Use our FORM to apply for your domain name NOW!

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